
2020-12-08 15:19:56来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:




  Does travel help to promote understanding andcommunication between countries?

  Most people would agree that travel broadens the mind. Surely,visiting new places and meeting new people helps us to underst-and how others live? However, the history of travel has taught usthat many misunderstandings and tragedies can occur whendifferent societies meet. In this essay, I will discuss whethertravel contributes to mutual respect and understanding.

  The issue is probably not travel itself, but the purpose of travel.There are many motivations for travel. It can be to learn, as in areligious pilgrimage, a personal journey, or an expedition.

  Millions of Muslims meet on Haj each year, and are remindedof the scale and diversity of the faith. Exploration of remotejungles or islands has given us an appreciation of cultures verydifferent from ours. Even the modern traveler, flying in hoursfrom China to Australia or from France to Thailand, glimpsesdifferent ways of life and different histories.

  However, travel is not always so innocent.Trade, for example,can begin as an equal exchange of crafts or commodities betweensmall groups of traders, but it can also become the basis for

  massive exploitation, colonization or even extermination. If onegroup believes its cultural values, religion, or society are superiorto the other's, then friction or resentment can grow into conflict.And too often, travel is undertaken with no desire to meet orlearn from the host country's people: it is simply a change ofscene or temperature. Such travel actually sets out to minimize allcontact with the culture of the host country and instead surroundsitself with the food, drink and entertainment of its own.

  In conclusion, while it might seem that travel can contribute tounderstanding, it depends on the intention of the traveler and theattitude of the host.Just because travel is easier than ever beforedoes not mean we should bring our prejudices with us on the plane.


