
2020-12-08 14:31:48来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

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  In some countries old age is highly valued, while inothers youth is emphasized. which viewpoint do youagree with?


  In different parts of the world, we find greater or lesser status forsome groups in society. Many Asian societies traditionally havea lot of respect for older people, but today in Asia, childhood andyouth seems to be getting more and more attention. In this essay

  l will say why I think it can be unhealthy to place too much valueon any group simply because of their age.

  Old age is often associated with wisdom. With age comes exper-ience, and in many societies younger family members consultolder ones for advice on relationships or problems. In some soci-eties, not just older living family members but ancestors are rev-ered and consulted. However, if old age just involves the sameexperience over and over again, there may not be much wisdomor flexibility attached to it. People who have held the same posit-ion for many many years often are reluctant to change or to allowanyone else to introduce change.Companies or organizations run by older workers may become too conservative to succeed ag-ainst competition from younger rivals. Many aging political lea-ders have wrecked their countries by refusing to step down orchange policy. It's clear that age by itself is not a qualificationfor anything.

  But it's equally foolish to focus too much on youth.Having hun-dreds of thousands of young graduates and a young, vibrant work-force in a country is usually regarded as an asset, but it can resultin many poorly-paid jobs as employees for foreign companies.Both Communist and Fascist governments idolized their youth,but this was often a form of brainwashing, and to provide fodderfor factories and armies.Today,Thai, Korean, and Filipino tele-vision and magazines are full of impossibly cute children, teena-gers with flawless skin, and pop idols.This can create problemsof self-esteem for the millions of ordinary people who do notmatch those images.As public debate and television become evenmore trivial and self-obsessed, billions of dollars are wasted bypeople on trying to look and act like children instead of adultswith a mind and voice of their own.

  In conclusion, an ideal society would have a balance. We shouldappreciate both the beauty and potential of youth and the adviceand experience of old age but should also be careful to understan-d the reality of each.


