
2020-12-08 14:06:04来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

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  In some countries old age is highly valued, while inothers youth is emphasized. which viewpoint do youagree with?


  Many people have a simplistic view of attitudes toward age. Theysuggest that in Western societies old people are not respected,while in Asian societies elders are revered.Similarly, youth iseither highly valued or ignored, depending on the culture. In thisessay I will show that some of these views are mistaken.

  First of all, old age is valued everywhere.It's true that in the FarEast, people respect grandparents, older leaders, and bosses.Ho-wever, if we look at Western countries, we also find politiciansin their sixties or seventies, despite free elections, and companyexecutives in their sixties, despite strong business competition.In addition, as life expectancy increases, older people are beco-ming more important as consumers and voters.Finally , even incountries where elders previously could not be challenged, peopleare realizing that old age does not always mean wisdom.The oldway of running families, companies, or countries may not worktoday.

  We see many images of young people on our screens, but does th-is mean they are valued more? In fact, these images are just marketing: parents spend money on children, and older people spendless on mobile phones or beauty products.Just because shampooads portray young women does not mean that young women runcompanies or countries. There are very few young politicians orcompany bosses anywhere in the world, apart from exceptions li-ke Bill Clinton or Mark Zuckerberg.

  The reality is that although society seems obsessed with youth,older people still have power and wealth. They are the ones whomake money and decisions. We must be careful not to confuseimages with reality.


