
2020-10-16 18:11:12来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  雅思大作文高分范文含教师点评——社会类   本文为大家分享关于社会类的雅思写作范文解析,供大家参考学习!更多雅思备考干货素材,可联系网站客服老师领取!


  A rise in the standard of living in a country often only seems to benent cities rather than rural areas. What problems might this difference causes? How might these problems be reduced? (20171209)


  It is true that these urban problems have attracted more and more attention. In this essay, we will discuss the consequences of urbanisation and measures.

  This social phenomenon will cause two main problems. First of all, many migrant workers will be sent to metropolitan cities which will lead to traffic congestion, housing shortage, and they will lose a sense of belonging. They may be discriminated against by local people which will lead to depression and alcoholism. Secondly, the labour force is limited which cripples the economy of rural areas. In the ong run, the urban-rural gap will only get greater and rural areas will completely lose any prospect to attract new talent, or skilled or qualified workers.

  I am convinced that governments can implement several feasible methods to tackle these daunting asks. First and foremost, the top priority is to upgrade the infrastructure, to widen roads, and to install wireless broadband in local areas. Also, local govemments should recruit more talented individuals with good benefits and conditions, such as decent pay, flexible hours. Furthermore, the local govemment can attract a group of outstanding enterprises through the tax reduction, which will not only boost the local economy but also increase employment opportunities. Therefore, these improvements are dispensable to a modern society. If government gores these elements, rural areas will be neglected by young people and impeccable candidates.

  To summarise, the authorities should allocate limited resources so that the rural areas can progress. In this way, the society can have a sustainable development.











