
2020-10-13 10:05:12来源:网络作者: 小羊阅读量:


  there be a staff to accompany me on the flight to and fromthe field program?

  由于参与项目的学生来自于中国各地,甚至是其他国家,我们无法保证在您的飞机上有工作人员陪伴。学生们需要根据《旅行规划指导》中的信息抵达和离开项自所在地。Becouse student participants come from all over China, as wellas several countries outside of China, we are NOT oble to guarantee staffaccompaniment on your flight. Students are expected to crrive and departto the program as specified in the Trip Planning Guide.


  5.家长可以一起参加线下项目吗? Can parents join the fieldprogram?

  希望帮助学生走出自己的舒适区,并在家以外的地方锻炼自己的独立能力。并学会与团队伙伴一起建立互相依靠的关系。所以,我们目前不允许家长陪学生一起参加线下项目。We seeks to help students step cutside of their cornfcrtzone and grow their independence from home, as well as develop inter-dependerce with their teammates. Thus we ciurrently do not allowporents to join students on our field programs.

  6.我可以跟我的女朋友或男朋友一起参加项目吗? Can l bring mygirlfriend or boyfriend on this program?

  希望帮助学生走出自己的舒适区,并与同伴一起为项目的使命而努力。我们的项目规定中明确禁止任何与性相关的活动和行为,对此绝不姑息。不遵守规定的学生将被取消项目资格。we seeks to help students step outside of their

  comfort zone and engage with their pecrs to achieve the progrommission. Our progrcm policy maintains zero tolerance for sexual activity.Those students who do not follow this policy wwill be dismissed frorm theprogram.

  7.如果我没有入选我首选的项目。该怎么办? What if l don't get mytop choice program?

  项目的报名工作邀循"先来先得"的准则。只要一个项目到达了参与人数的上限,我们就无法安排额外的空位。所以,我们强烈建议学生能够考虑和挑选自己的第二选择和第三选择。Program sign-up is on a "first-come,

  first-served" basis.Once a program obtains the rmaximum number ofstudents, we are not able to add adkditional spots.Thus, we highy

  recommend that students consider ond choose second and third choiceprograms.


