
2020-10-13 10:00:22来源:未知作者: 杨倩阅读量:

  1.我需要多少岁才能参加线下项目? How old do l need to bein order to attend a field program?

  你必须是14至1B周岁之间。项目目前是针对高中生的。我们会酌情考虑成熟的73周岁申请者和少量19周岁的申请者,取决于他们是否通过工作人员安排的面试。You should be 14-18 years of age. programs are currently intended for highschool students. we rnay accept rmature 13-yecr-old cancidates, as well assome 19-year-old candicates providecd they pass the staff interview.


  2.你们会负责我的旅行保险吗?Does program cover my travelersinsurance?

  我们会为所有中国学生购买旅行保险。由于保险规定的限制。我们目前无法向非中国I心持有者摇供保险。请咨询工作人员获取进一步信息。Yes. We purchasestraveler's insuranoe for all domestic Chinese students. Due to the

  insurance regulations, we ore currently not able to pravide insurance fornon-Chinese ID holders. Please consuilit a staff member for further information.

  3.在参加线下项目之前,我需要接种任何疫苗吗?Do l need toget any vaccinations and/or immunizations before joining afield program?

  建议学生及时接种相关疫苗。我们推荐您根据"交通与食宿安排"中罗列的信息,接种相关疫苗。We recommends that students are up-to-date with theirvoccinatiors and irmmunizations. We also reccmmend to consider

  receiving those vaccinctions andJor immunizations as outlined in oursection called "Trcvel,Housing &Focd".

  ·中国内地居民:在国际旅行前的4-6周,建议您咨询当地的国际旅行卫生保健中心。这里是网站列表。Mainland China residents: 4-6 weeks prior to yourinternational travel, it is suggested to oonsult your local lnternational TravelHealth Association.Here is the list of the websites for inquiry.

  -北京Beijing: http: //wow.bithc.org.cn

  -上海Shanghai: http: /sithc.shciqgow.cn-江苏Jiangsu: http: [js.ithc.cn

  -广东Guangdong: http: seaww.gctwbzx.com

  -如果你没有在上面找到你当地卫生保健中心的网址,请在这里获取详细的联系方式。lf ycu did not find your loccal oenters as above, here is a detailedcontact list http:

  ·其他居民:请联系你当地政府的卫生保健中心,获K更多信息。Otherrcsidents: ploase contact your local government health center for moreinformation

  -美国Arnerica: https: //wvwwnc.cdc.gov/travel'

  -中国香港Hong Kong China. https: /vrovve.trarvelhealth.govhk/cindex.htrml



