
2020-10-12 14:47:42来源:环球教育作者: 景景阅读量:

  雅思大作文7分范文及解析:有些动物已经开始灭绝,没理由去保护他们   观点类大作文,社会类话题

  Some animals have come to extinction. There is no reason of protecting them. Do you agree or disagree?







  第一部分:Some animals have come to extinction. 这句话描述的一个客观的现象——即对这部分并无需同意或反对。

  第二部分:There is no reason of protecting them. 这是主观的观点——需要对此表达同意或反对——如果同意,则给出保护的理由;反对则给出不值得保护的理由。

  引入批判性思维:题目的2句话之间,隐含一个因果逻辑的错误——因为有动物已经开始灭绝了,所以就没保护必要了 —— 其前提与结论并无必然联系。






  While there is a general belief that it is an irreversible process for some endangered species to extinct and therefore, we should not do anything to curb the trend, I would disagree with this specious statement because the problem can be mainly ascribed to human activities and it is imperative for us to undertake immediate remedial actions.

  From the Darwinians' perspective, the extinction of some wildlife is the inevitable corollary of nature's law – that is, the survival of the fittest. They believe that only the most vigorous species should survive the competition created by the life cycle. Those creatures who do not adapt to the evolving environment cannot escape from the fate of dying out. Therefore, Darwinian logic would assert that any attempts to constrain this upcoming trend would be in vain.

  However, I would say it is simplistic to attribute the extinction of wildlife solely to the selection of nature – what is ignored by advocates of this premise is the human activities that underlie this issue. One factor that brings many animals to the brink of extinction is poaching; the disappearance of the southern China tiger in the last century resulted from excessive hunting. Another factor we cannot afford to ignore is an encroachment on the natural habitat of relentless urbanization, which is culpable for the jeopardy of wildlife habitats and disrupts the interrelationship of flora and fauna. When it comes to the positive impact of a conservation approach, the past decades have witnessed some successful measures, whether these be the establishment of natural reserves, the development of reproduction technology or the implementation of environmental awareness campaigns. One convincing achievement is the preservation of the Panda, an endangered animal whose numbers have increased thanks to these approaches.

  In conclusion, it is my opinion that there are practical measures that we can take to ensure that the life cycle of each species is maintained and the results speak for themselves.


  Irreversible  不可扭转的

  Curb  遏制

  Specious  貌似合理的

  Darwinian  达尔文主义者

  Poach  偷猎

  Jeopardy  破坏

  Habitat   栖息地

  Flora and fauna  动植物

  Practicality  可行性

  Conservation/preservation  保护

  Nature reserve  自然保护区

  Reproduction  生殖

