
2020-09-21 11:50:59来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:




  范例段落:“On the other hand, I side with those who agree that second-languages should be taught as early as possible because it is easy to mould a child’s brain at a young age. This skill can be introduced in a fun learning and interactive way in class. For example, it is scientifically proven that children from the age of 3 to 10 have the capacity to learn more than one language at a time naturally without explicit instruction.”


  从给出信息的角度看,上述例子是好的,有充分的细节。问题是它的位置是否恰当。例子应紧跟着它所说明/支持的观点,例子的内容,对应的要是其前一句已给出的信息。上述段落里,例子的前一句是“This skill can be introduced in a fun learning and interactive way in class”,这句话和“孩子学语言的年龄”有关系吗?例子中的“孩子在3-10岁学语言”与上一句的“fun and interactive"有关系吗?




  修改段落:“On the other hand, I side with those who agree that second-languages should be taught as early as possible because it is easy to mould a child’s brain at a young age. For example, it is scientifically proven that children from the age of 3 to 10 have the capacity to learn more than one language at a time naturally without explicit instruction. Bilingual children are the best illustration of this, as they are able to learn two languages simply by hearing them in their home environment. Therefore, a second language can be introduced in a fun learning and interactive way in class.”





  修改段落:“On the other hand, I side with those who agree that second-languages should be taught as early as possible because it is easy to mould a child’s brain at a young age. For example, it is scientifically proven that children from the age of 3 to 10 have the capacity to learn more than one language at a time naturally without explicit instruction. Bilingual children are the best illustration of this as they are able to learn two languages simply by hearing them in their home environment. In fact, schools can use a similar technique, introducing children to the new language using fun, interactive activities rather than structured grammar classes. Games and songs in the target language can be used in class, which will encourage the children to participate more and be more effective than learning in a traditional class later in their school-career.




