
2020-09-16 14:20:49来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  雅思大作文高分范文含点评——性别类话题  雅思写作是中国烤鸭普遍低分的部分,其实大家还是需要多多练习,范文对正在备考雅思的烤鸭们来说,还是比较有提升作用的,本文为大家分享关于性别类的雅思写作范文,供参考!


  In many countries, women now are able to join the armed forces on equal basis with men: however, some people feel that only men should be members of the army, navy or air force. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(20160519)


  Nowadays. it is quite common for female soldiers to be seen in the army and in many countries they are needed just as much as men. But some people think that only men should be allowed to join the military. I disagree with this view.

  Traditionally, women are considered to be the weaker species. There is a stereotype that women are simply not competent for the tasks of the navy, army or air force, which may be true in the old days. However, in modern military, women s so-called weaknesses are a thing of the past. This is mainly due to the fact that mechanical engineering or advanced vehicles are used for heavy, labourious work in a modern army. Military supplies and weapons are too heavy to be carried by people, whether female or male. Therefore women are physically capable of completing all kinds of tasks just as well as any man.

  On the other hand. women also have their own advantages. For example, in collecting intelligence and analysis, and medical services, women perform better than their male counterparts. They are usually more careful and attentive than men, so they are better at finding detalls that are easily missed. In addition, many troops have begun to train female pilots to drive UAVS, which is obviously taking advantage of their character

  In summary, with the constant enhancement of modern technology, women and men can play equally roles in the military. So, I do not agree with the statement in topic, that only men should be allowed to join the military






  现如今的部队其实和冷兵器时代不一样了,在现代化的部队中,电子信息化和工业自动化的程度很高,男性和女性都有能力去完成常规操作。题目中的 equal basis说的就是男性和女性平起平坐,在各方面都平等。男性能操作的机器,女性也可以操作;男性能驾驶的飞机,女性也能驾驶。文中在论述女性可以胜任部队中的各种工作的时候,选择的例子有医疗方面的,也有情报收集和驱动无人机方面的,在这些领域男性和女性没什么差别,是平等的。



