
2020-07-13 14:30:20来源:网络作者: 小羊阅读量:



  Section 1 打电话到幼儿园询问情况(旧题)10填空

  Section 2 活动参观(旧题)10匹配

  Section 3 狄更斯小说人物(旧题)6多选+4匹配

  Section 4 食盐(旧题)10填空‍

  这次听力没有奇怪的口音, 语速也不快;这次考试填空题占比正常,难度适中。P1出现4题基本功(名字,月份,数字和月份),其他单词均在高频范围内, 其中两个答案较长,一个答案是apron,较生僻容易丢分。( 此处有重点)开头又有了example。不知是否为永久归。P2出现了10道配对题,前6个题只有三个选项,可以为后面节约时间,后4个题有8个选项,读题量较大,考生需要注意同意替换。P3话题比较简单, 关于小说人物描述, 但是6道多选题导致读题量增大,文章速度块,容易遗漏信息。P4关于盐,是个老机经话题,整体偏简单。


  Section 1







  1.short day’s expenses fee: 37.5 for under 2 years old

  2.There(one week offers) 20 hours for free caring

  3.Children can enjoy outdoor activities on a playground

  4.All teachers in this centre have teaching experience in a primary school

  5.Parents asked that other centre has weekly report

  6.two children, the earliest month can join is: September

  7.Other stuff need to bring themselves: apron and sunglass

  8.they should also bring a family photo

  9.Need medical certificate from a doctor

  10.The centre’s address: Colliape Road


  可参考真题:C10T3S1 C6T2S1

  Section 2



  主题:Wsetbury 介绍

  题型及数量:匹配 10


  11-16 选择

  11. 人们为什么参加

  B. they accepted a survey before

  12. what has been changed recently in the museum

  B. café

  13. what will be on October Event

  B. plants

  14. cinema not only for movies but also used for

  A. holding all kinds of parties

  15. hope new member advise on how to manage money

  B. get extra income for the museum

  16. visitors will no longer be worried about missing important information

  C. send them electronically

  17-20 匹配

  17. fly us to moon: F. suitable for all ages

  18. movie dolphin: was made a long time ago

  19. secret of pyramid: win an award

  20. monsters movie: have special hi-tech dramatic effect

  Section 3



  主题:两个学生在讨论狄更斯的作品 Dicken's Novel



  A.an obedient daughter

  B.deliberately cruel to other people

  C.act in a childish innocence

  D.resent things happened previously

  E.pay attention to appearance

  F.act in a foolish way

  G.insight into human nature

  21.Rosy---D.resent things happened previously(hate)

  22.Flory---F.act in a foolish way(childlike but not innocent, silly)

  23.Lizzie--G.insight into human nature(for her kindness)

  24.Estelle-B deliberately cruel to other people(make others suffer a lot)

  25-26.what are their opinions on the lectures? BC

  A.Too noisy in virtually learning

  B.Well structured(organization is very good)

  C.Insufficient for discussion(do you think we have enough time for discussion?No,I don't think so)

  D.the class always start punctually

  27-28.what improvement can be made? BC

  A.IT support

  B.computers are not enough(so are the computers,people got to lineup)

  C.photocopying facilities are often inadequate(people need to wait for a long time)

  D.a good librarian(they are very helpful)

  E.a good group leader(we all do well no need for a leader)

  29-30.what are their opinion on the group discussion? DE

  A.the class is too large

  B.Easy to find meeting chances

  C.Suitable group size(not too small or too big, everyone has a chance)

  D.the class time is proper used

  E.they find the class is very effective


  可参考真题:C11T2S3 C11T3S3 C13T1S3 C13T2S3

  Section 4



  主题 History of commodity of Salt



  31.People all know that salt is essential for human’s health.

  32.English word salary derived from the Latin word salt which is used to describe the payment to Roman soldiers

  33.animals live in local forests during the summer

  34. fresh meat only available in October

  35.There was evidence of the usage of salt in the diet of a Sweden king.He ate 175 pounds meat every year, but over 150 pounds was salted.

  36.Beer consumption increased rapidly because the food was salty.

  37.Salt is from basins in desert

  38.Salt from spring water is more concentrated and purer.

  39.protect its shipping to import commodity

  40.In old days, people carrying salt around was a natural means of transport.




