
2020-06-17 15:05:15来源:网络作者: 小羊阅读量:

  常年“低头族”你需要数字排毒了?有时你是不是会觉得恶心,头痛,睡不着,干什么都不专心,眼睛发痒,脖子疼?这些症状大概都是一天到晚低着头看手机,得的“低头族”病!戒除网瘾,你需要一个“数字排毒”(Digital Detox)。Digital detox refers to a period of time during which a person refrains from using electronic devices such as smartphones or computers, regarded as an opportunity to reduce stress or focus on social interaction in the physical world. 简单地说,数字排毒就是放下手机,远离社交网络。ELSDO课程中有很多实用的tips帮你减少使用手机的时间,让我们一起来看看吧!


  A. Put your phone on silent mode. This way, you won't hear the notifications or any other distracting noises.

  B. Turn off notifications. This prevents your apps from getting your attention when you are busy.

  C. Make your screen black and white. This helps you avoid the attraction of the bright red notification buttons and makes your phone less interesting overall.

  D. Move chat apps off your home screen. You won't be as tempted to check texts, emails, or social media.

  E. Uninstall social media from your phone. Most people spend their phone time on social media. Remove it and you won't have that problem.

  F. Put your phone on airplane mode. This is like turning off your phone. You won't be able to use the internet or receive any messages.

  G. Install an app to track your phone use. There are now many apps that can help you reduce your phone use. Some even shut down your phone.

  让我们一起试试Digital Detox,感受几天没有那么依赖于手机。相信我们会更全身心的去享受真实摸得到的生活,并且更认真的对待眼前的人!


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