澳洲留学作业难写吗?如何获得更好的Academic performance!
2020-04-18 10:48:04来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:
澳洲留学作业难写吗?如何获得更好的Academic performance! 在国外留学的小伙伴,肯定会遇到各式各样的作业,今天要求写一篇“essay”,明天要写一个“literature review”,很多同学就陷入了困惑,这些作业具体有什么区别?
今天Freya老师就来跟大家解释一下每种作业的具体要求和侧重点,希望大家能够通过这篇文章,获得更好的Academic performance!
There are a wide range of assessment types, and there are different expectations for each assessment.
Always check the type and length of the task carefully.
The most common types are essay, report (include business report, lab report etc.),literature review and reflection/evaluation.
An essay is a piece of writing which presents an organised collection of your ideas, supported by evidence or examples from the readings and literature.
Your points should be arranged in a line of argument (an overall structure) that presents a logical, ordered thread that leads your reader to a well-supported conclusion.
Within that structure, each paragraph should begin with a clear topic sentence that introduces the idea, followed by an explanation and the supporting literature.
Your expression should be clear and contain no spelling or grammar errors.
Before you begin writing
It is important to plan your essay.
The easiest place to start is at the assignment question itself, from that you candevelop your answer in the form of a thesis statement.
However, it may be difficult to come up with a point of view early on. Therefore, you may choose to read up on the assignment question and make notes on relevant concepts, theories, and studies. Once you have these notes and can develop a summary of the issues, it should be much easier to write a thesis statement.
It is also important to link information together to create a kind of “narrative” in your essay, which makes your writing flow more smoothly and make it easier to follow.
They tell the reader:
What is going to be said
What is being said
What has already been said
How the main ideas support the thesis statement
How each group of ideas follow from the ones before
A report is a specific form of writing that is organised around concisely identifying and examining issues, events, or findings that have happened in a physical sense, such as events that have occurred within an organisation, or findings from a research investigation.
These events can also pertain to events or issues identified within a body of literature. A report informs the reader simply and objectively about all relevant issues.
There are three features that characterise report writing at a very basic level: a pre-defined structure, independent sections, and reaching unbiased conclusions.
It should contain the following elements:
Table of contents – Lists the Sections that will follow, with page numbers
Sections (using headings and subheadings)
Reference List
Appendices (if applicable)
Use headings (and subheadings, where appropriate) to guide the reader through clearly categorised sections that follow a logical sequence. Less connection between topics is required than in the essay format. As with all written work, the report should start with an introduction and end with a conclusion.
Alternatively, you may wish to include a more evaluative focus to your analysis.
Literature Review
This is a critical report on the relevant and important information contained in the literature you have read on your topic.
More than a summary, it synthesises the arguments and ideas of others (where they agree or disagree, the major themes that become obvious) and presents the information that appears to be the most pertinent or relevant. As such, it provides a context for your own research proposal. Your opinions or line of argument is not required, which makes it different to an essay.
The main attribute of a good literature review is that it is well structured.
It should contain the following elements:
An introduction
A review of the past and present literature in relation to your research purpose
Clarification of the purpose of study
General hypotheses to be tested.
An essay in which you examine your own experiences in life, and how you have changed, developed or grown as a result of them. It integrates theory and practice and identifies your new understandings or values, or what you have learned about yourself, plus, perhaps, what you will do differently. This is generally supported by relevant literature.
It should contain the following elements:
1. Keep it short and sweet. A typical reflection paper is between 300 and 700 words long.
2. Introduce your expectations. The introduction of your paper is where you should identify any expectations you had for the reading, lesson, or experience at the start.
3. Develop a thesis statement. At the end of your introduction, you should include a single sentence that quickly explains your transition from your expectations to your final conclusion
4. Explain your conclusions in the body. Your body paragraphs should explain the conclusions or understandings you reached by the end of the reading, lesson, or experience
5. Conclude with a summary. Your conclusion should succinctly describe the overall lesson, feeling, or understanding you got as a result of the reading or experience.
Formatting and layout
Assignments vary in their requirements for formatting and layout. Check for formatting requirements in your course materials or with your course co-ordinator.Aim for consistency in your formatting.
Most assignments are now submitted electronically and formatted as follows:
Use a clearly legible font and font size (Times New Roman is the most common font and 12 point is the most common size).
Set page margins to around 1 inch/2.5cm.
Use 1.5 or double line-spacing.
Keep the space between paragraphs consistent.
Do not indent paragraphs and leave a blank line between paragraphs. (This is the most common style.)
Indent the first line of each paragraph, but leave no spaces between paragraphs.
Always double-check for the formatting requirements of your individual course.
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