2020-02-17 10:28:54来源:未知作者: 王旭影阅读量:
2.13亚太雅思大作文范文:读书比看电视玩游戏好 前面为大家做了一定的写作思路分析,不知道大家有没有理清思绪呢?本文为大家带来范文,一起来参考学习吧!更多雅思大作文范文,请关注环球教育雅思写作
The claim given by the topic fails to be persuasive because of its vagueness; the comparison would be meaningless when there is no precise criterion between learning stories by reading books and watching TV or playing computer games.
The main reason why I consider this view extremely absurd is that it didn’t give a clear aspect of the whole comparison but just provide a totally ambiguous expression “better”. The utterance is too subjective to be quantified, and without a specific angle, one thing can never be deemed “better” than another. Just what aspect is discussed in this topic to establish the comparison, or how dares one recklessly to say that an activity would always be “better” under any circumstances? For those who firmly believe the thought exhibited in the prompt, they may focus on the demerits—addictions, the physical damages, etc.—that watching too much TV or relentlessly playing video games may bring about to the children, and then conclude that reading stories in books, therefore, may be not that harmful compared with the former two. The system behind this, however, is also based on the perspective of the blights that may be given to those kids, and it is definitely a criterion that can let the comparison make sense. To arbitrarily evaluate that reading books is better than tv watching or game playing, ergo, is never credible without regulating the outperformance with situations.
The myopic thinking aforementioned is also reflected in its biased outlook. This lopsided preference to children’s reading habits may have already overlooked the benefits to them from effectively learning about the world through television and the brain development during playing computer games. Let us never omit the fact that kids are normally lack of concentration if the resources they use to acquire information and knowledge are rather plain and flattened, and they usually require a multi-dimensional way to provide what they should know through vivid visual injections. In that case, reading stories in books may be relatively dwarfed by watching TV, since the former may be dull to children but the latter can light most things in a more attractive way. As for game playing, the probable edges are totally incomparable with the reading; what games can provide to children is the training on children’s speed of response and the ability to develop instant strategy. Such skills can never be given by book reading, and are also proved necessary among most adolescent development.
In conclusion, I would much agree that every action that is adapted in childhood to realize the multi-aspect development has the unique functions, and the comparisons would be improper without the basis of involving quantifiable elements.
Persuasive 有说服力的
Vagueness 模糊性
Utterance 义项
Criterion 评价标准
Arbitrarily 武断地
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