2020-01-09 10:35:05来源:环球教育作者: 小羊阅读量:
Describe an interesting job you would like to have.(你想要的有趣的工作)
You should say(你应该说):
What this job is
What skills it requires
How you could get these skills
Explain why this job is interesting
Well, I think this is a really difficult question, but I feel one of the most appealing careers for me might be something related to medicine, and being a veterinarian is especially interesting.
You see, the original reason I was so attracted to this field is a memorable experience I hadat a young age.
As a child I had a pet, an adorable little cat, and one time she got terribly sick. Fortunately,her life was saved after we took her for some urgent treatment at our local vet.
Even now, I still clearly remember how wonderful and caring she was, and she obviously enjoyed her job.
So, from then on I became really passionate about helping animals myself. So much so that for several years, my biggest ambition was to become a vet.
However, to be honest it turned out to be much harder than I expected, so I had to become more realistic. In the end I realised this field really demands a lot of special skills, and in order to gain them you have to do so much formal training.
First of all, you have to go to university to complete a specialised three year bachelors course, following that you must undertake a two year supervised training period in a clinic.
Once you have got all that out of the way, you can actually start working as a real vetindependently.
But that is still not the end of the story, because you also need to obtain a professionalcertification, only after that would you be regarded as a highly qualified vet.
But anyway, regardless of all those obstacles I mentioned, I still believe this is a reallyattractive job. I think so not only because it involves cute animals, but more importantly itrequires mastering a wide range of different skills.
For instance, as my tiny animal patients could not communicate to explain their symptoms, I would need to observe their behaviour to detect the signs for myself. Each new case would give me a fresh and interesting challenge to diagnose which illness or condition they weresuffering from and prescribe the most effective treatment.
So, to sum up, this profession would be especially interesting for me as I really enjoy learning, caring for animals and, of course, developing my abilities as much as I can.
Follow up question:
What makes you think that this would be a sensible choice of job for your future?
I get the feeling that this would be a promising career to work in at the present time andinto the future, as keeping pets is becoming increasingly popular in my country. perhaps that is down to the fact that many young people want a friend to keep us company as we live alone more, work long hours and get start a family later than before!
appealing - something that you want to do as soon as possible.
related to – to join one thing to another.
attracted to – you want to get closer to something.
as a child – when I was a child.
adorable – something you can fall in love with.
terribly – really strong feeling about something, usually bad.
from then on – after that time.
became really passionate – Started to have a strong emotion about it.
I had been considering – I had been thinking about all sides of it.
demands a lot of – I must do a lot of things for it.
you see – To show you want to show someone something.
original – The very first of.
first of all – at first.
certainty – you are sure.
Complete – do all of it.
specialised – a tool or class only for doing a special thing.
following that – after doing one thing.
after all that – after doing many things.
to undertake – to agree to do something difficult.
training period – time spent learning to do something practical.
Finally – at last.
the end of the journey – after doing many things.
obtain – get something.
professional certification – a paper to show you have skills to do an important job.
only after that – not before that.
be regarded as – others think about you like this.
regardless of – no matter if.
intriguing – very very interesting new thing.
it involves – part of it is.
signs – things you see to let you know something.
diagnose – when a doctor decides what is wrong with a patient.
to sum up – summary.
master – get something fully learned.
I get the feeling that – I have some ideas why something will be.
promising – it looks like will be very good.
at the present time – now.
increasingly – Becoming more and more.
down to that fact that – Because of.
start a family – have children.
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