
2019-11-02 09:56:10来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:





  该题难度不大,审题没有陷阱,回答邻居不交往的原因及措施即可。思路方面,题干讲的是“city dwellers”, 城市居民有什么特点呢?现在一些大城市有许多外来人口,不是所有人有能力买房,只能租房,所以存在一种可能性,他们不断变换住所,这就意味着邻里之间相处不久,缺乏信任感;另外比较容易想到的思路是城市居民生活节奏快,压力大,可能没有时间与邻居交流;措施方面相对容易思考,比如社区组织活动及政府宣传邻里关系重要性等



  Those living in cities hardly mix with each other and the lack of communication can threaten community cohesion. This problem can affect their well-being, and it is important to tackle this immediately.

  The fast pace of life is one primary reason why people hardly have time to communicate with those living next door.The competition is fierce in the workplace, and this is why many people have to work long hours to show their passion for their jobs. This can help increase job security, but they live under pressure and feel exhausted. As a consequence, they find it difficult to form and maintain relationships with other members of community.

  Another reason why city dwellers these days lack social life is that they tend to move around a lot. People have to relocate from time to time in order to seek better employment and improve their living standards. For instance, they may choose to reside in a neighbourhood which is equipped with better facilities such as prestigious schools. Because of  this,they lack mutual trust and it is difficult for them to build a lasting relationship with their neighbours.

  To solve this problem, communities should organise activities,which can provide residents with opportunities to get familiar with each other. These activities include parties and sporting events, in which they can have opportunities to form friendship with each other. Another approach is to launch awareness campaigns to educate the public to pay attention to their connection with neighbours. They can, therefore, realise that they can give a helping hand to one another when in trouble.

  To summarise, the pressure of urban life as well as high population mobility has threatened community cohesion and communities should design more activities or campaigns that can reunite people.


  mix with

  community cohesion

  job security

  move around

  prestigious schools

  launch awareness campaigns

  population mobility

