
2019-09-17 16:55:38来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:

  The 10-day- UN youth training program has ended days ago, we all arrived home with joys, gains and various of emotions and feelings. So I’m here to talk about what this magnificent UN youth training program has brought to me at the end of it. Basically, the article is divided into multiple aspects as followed which I will go through them one by one. Here’s all the stuff that I learned throughout the entire program.


  With pleasure and cheers, I’m so glad that I got this precious opportunity participating in UNYTP( United Nations youth training program), I was so excited before the program started because it is my very first time stepping into the UN, especially we were heading out to one of the Headquarters—UN Geneva HQ. At the end of the program, I felt like it is so much more than worthy for this program, it is such a useful, meaningful and significant program for youths development. It is the best program I have even attended.

  All I wanted to say is that the program meant a lot to me , I’ve changed because of it. It changed how I used to perceive things and people, for example, I’ve learned in a further depth of how to sense people’s feeling, how to feel what others feel by standing along by their perspectives. And also like how flexible I should be when I’m solving problems in order to make it quick and to improve my efficiency. Generally speaking, there are too many skills that I have learned or have been enhanced in UNYTP, for instance, I met gorgeous people then I made friends who are sharing the same dreams and goals, working as a team, speaking in public, perfecting the presentation and so on and on that I couldn’t tell without days because so many amazing stuff happened in this great program. I’m truly grateful for this and I’m looking forward to take part in this again 100% percent in the future if there is another one.



