PTE本周高频考题 【wfd/ASQ】6.17-6.24

2021-06-26 12:38:37来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  PTE本周高频考题 【wfd/ASQ】6.17-6.24   本文为大家分享PTE考题,供大家参考!更多备考干货,请关注环球教育!环球教育开设PTE培训课程,有需要的同学,可以咨询网站客服预约试听

PTE本周高频考题 【wfd/ASQ】6.17-6.24


  Medical students study six years in university.

  The research is required in the field of food science.

  All the student union students can register their names to get that service.

  Urban planners plant trees in cities for a better environment.

  Put the knife and fork next to the spoon near the edge of the table.

  The department will continue to offer three new scholarships next year.

  It's in financial companies' interest to have people to save more money.

  I'm glad you got here safely.

  Services are rapidly growing in parts of the global economy.


  What do you call the case you use to carry documents?

  Answer: Briefcase

  What is the cooking process to make cakes or bread?

  Answer: Baking

  How many legs does a tripod have?

  Answer: Three

  How many legs does a tripod have?

  Answer: Three

  What is the adjective opposite to 'rural'?

  Answer: Urban

  What do you call a picture or design permanently on your skin made with a needle and ink?

  Answer: Tattoo

  What do you call the money you pay for speeding on the road?

  Answer: Fine

  What do eyes produce while crying?

  Answer: Tear / tears



