
2020-08-19 15:41:16来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  环球独家讲座回顾:加拿大安大略省教育专家权威解读(一)加拿大安省的高中教育制度  今天继续跟大家来谈谈安省的高中教育制度,如果您有任何问题,可以咨询我们网站客服老师,我们会安排专业的留学老师帮您答疑!

  Given the realities of 2020 and the pandemic that is affecting all of our lives, I think it  is important for me to comment on how Canada is receiving International students. Just let me say from the beginning that Canada has a proud history of welcoming  International students to our schools and I believe this will continue.

  鉴于2020年的现实情况,尤其是影响我们生活的疫情,我想在今天讨论一下加 拿大对于国际学生的态度非常重要。 我的态度是,加拿大从一开始就有欢迎全世界学生的优秀传统和历史,我认为 这个传统将会继续下去。

  In preparation for this part of the presentation, I went to the website of the  University I am most familiar with as a student and as a faculty member. The  following slides are examples of what you see when you first go onto Westen  University's site and I am confident that our other universities and colleges have the  same priorities.

  为了展现这个情况,我给大家展示西安大略大学的网页信息。作为学生和一名 工作人员,我对这所学校十分的熟悉。接下来,你们看到的都是西安大略大学 官网上的信息,我也很自信的说,加拿大其他大学也会是同样的。

  Given the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing is a requirement. Our schools are  working to ensure the appropriate protocols are in place to allow students and staff  to learn and work in safe environments.

  鉴于新冠疫情的情况,社交距离是必须的。我们学校正在努力确保恰当的措施, 来让学生和员工在安全的环境中学习和工作。

  Racism in any form is not accepted. Our schools all have mandated policies that  clearly state expectations so that all students and staff can learn and work in a  positive environment.

  任何形式的种族主义都不被允许。我们学校有强制性的政策,清晰地说明了这 项要求,目的是所有学生和员工能够在一个积极的环境中学习和工作。

  Students  from 128 countries and promote the international study experience for Canadian students –170  programs in 40 different countries 。

  正如我们提到的,我们学校非常欢迎国际学生。目前有5800名来自128个国家和 地区的学生。同时,我们也鼓励加拿大本地的学生进行出国学习。目前有遍布 40个国家和地区的170个海外项目。

  Thank you for allowing me to present to you today. 感谢大家聆听我的今天的演讲。




