PTE考试:SST高频真题Sound Receptor解析

2020-06-29 11:40:05来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:


  这道Sound receptor的SST,难点在于,文章很短,重点的内容集聚在一起,同学们的笔记速度跟不上。第二点在于文中的专有术语较多,学术性较强,对于非专业的同学而言,不容易理解这样的一个物理原理。



  You’ve got sound receptors in your ear and they are beautiful. We’re not going to talk about them at any length, but there’s little flappy, these little spiky things going along in your ear and they can translate vibrational energy coming from your ear, hurting your eardrum, being translated into a vibration into the fluid in your ear into a physical motion of these little receptors there into an electrical motion, into an electrical signal that goes into your ear.?So, all of that, all of that’s pretty impressive stuff. We’re not going to talk about the details of it, but I invite some of you who want to learn more about this, particularly MIT students I think find receptors really quite remarkable kinds of devices.

PTE考试:SST高频真题Sound Receptor解析


  ➤第一部分讲解了sound receptor的特征,包括以下几点:in your ear, beautiful, little, flappy, spiky。

  ➤第二部分讲解了sound receptor的工作原理,主要包括以下四步:

  Translate vibrational energy


  Translate into a vibration into the fluid


  Physical motion


  Electrical signal


  ➤第三部分提出了一个关于MIT students的内容,他们发现sound receptor 是一个remarkable device。


  Sound receptors are small devices that are little flappy and spiky in the ears. Sound receptors can translate vibrational energy coming from your ear, which is hurting your eardrums, into a vibration into the fluid, then this physical motion of receptors will be translated into electrical signals that go into your ear. MIT students are invited to learn more about sound receptors and find them remarkable.




  spiky adj.  /ˈspaɪki/

  having sharp points 有尖刺的

  spiky plants

  such as cacti 带刺的植物,如仙人掌



