
2020-02-24 16:22:15来源:环球教育作者: 景景阅读量:




  hello, 大家好,我是环球教育长春学校的王佳垚老师,在这个全国上下都在为了我们国家安全和自身安全而隔离的时候,我相信大家在家待的都快发霉了吧因所以我们今天来给大家分享一点数学知识,帮助大家活跃一下脑筋。

  今天我们要说了是IGCSE 数学中常见的一个考点:

  the distance between two points in a coordinate plane(两点之间的距离)

  Actually, determining the distance between two points is just an application of the Pythagorean theorem(毕达哥拉斯定理)

  For example, there are two points in the coordinate system like this, point A(2,0) and point B(5,4), what is the distance between these two points. As I just said it’s an application of Pythagorean theorem, but I don’t see any triangle here, so maybe we can draw a triangle by ourselves, yes like you see, we can draw a right angle here. From the picture, we can know the distance between A and B, is just the length of the hypotenuse in this triangle, so how can we get this hypotenuse from Pythagorean theorem? Firstly, we can know the length of these two legs are 3and 4 respectively, then we can use the Pythagorean theorem to determine the length of hypotenuse like this, √32+42,yes it is 5, and then we can know the distance between point A and B is 5, too. this the process with numbers, so can we use the variants to try again. Also two points in the coordinate system, like A(x1,Y1),B(x2,Y2), so the formula will change into this form, √(x1-x2)2 +(y1 -y 2)2yes, this is the formula of distance between two points. And in general you want take the larger x-value minus the smaller x-value, but you could do it either way, because it’s the square, so they are the same, no matter use the bigger minus the smaller, or use the smaller minus the bigger, we can get the same result.

  Can you remember that?









