PTE考试题型(TE Test Format)是什么呢?考生参考!

2019-12-20 11:43:31来源:环球教育作者: 小羊阅读量:

  参加PTE考试的学生越来越多,很多出国留学的学生会选择这门考试,那么PTE考试题型(TE Test Format)是什么呢?考试总共分为三部分,第一部分是口语和写作,第二部分是阅读,最后是听力部分,下面和小编一起来看看每一部分的详细考察内容:

PTE考试题型(TE Test Format)是什么呢?考生参考!

  Part 1Speaking & Writing(77 - 93 minutes)

  + Personal Introduction

  + Read aloud

  + Repeat sentence

  + Describe image

  + Re-tell lecture

  + Answer short question

  + Summarize written text

  + Essay (20 mins)

  Part 2Reading(32 - 41 minutes)

  + Multiple choice, choose

  + single answer

  + Multiple choice,

  + choose multiple answers

  + Re-order paragraphs

  + Reading: Fill in the blanks

  + Reading & writing: fill in the

  + blanks

  Part 3Listening(45 - 57 minutes)

  + Summarize spoken text

  + Multiple choice questions

  + Fill in the blanks

  + Highlight the correct

  + summary

  + Multiple choice questions

  + Select missing word

  + Highlight incorrect words

  + Write from dictation


